Monday, March 19, 2007

The Accidental Blessing

Thank you for caring about our family enough to get caught up on what's going on. As some of you know, Tess was started on antibiotics last week (Mid-March) for a pneumonia-like infection in her left lung... no big deal. She's still tearin' around the house like she always does.

Dr. Danis, our pediatrician, looked back at the diagnostic x-ray on Saturday, calling me just before the Leadership Community meeting, because he had seen something on the x-ray that worried him. So he scheduled us for a follow up CAT scan this morning (Monday).

Tess was very brave, and didn't even need to be sedated for the test (especially with her dad contorted into the donut-shaped machine so she could see the pictures of the story book I was reading to her). But the results of that test confirm a "mass" growing between her spine and her right lung, measuring 4 cm x 6 cm. We were then immediately sent to Boston Children's Hospital to consult with specialists in the fields of radiology, oncology, and pediatric surgery.

This seems to be one of those situations where a casual x-ray for a different purpose leads to the the 'accidental' discovery of something they never would have found otherwise.

We're in a holding pattern right now at Children's Hospital (it's Monday night). The staff here are fabulous. Tessa is having a ball, except for the IV in her arm. But we're waiting for labs and potentially for an MRI to get a better picture of the mass. Tess is getting tired of this whole ordeal, and the stress is wearing on her. Dean and Pam have graciously welcomed Justin into their family for the day, so we're thankful there, too.

Would you please pray for Tess? Heck, pray for us, too, and for the doctors and nurses here at Children's Hospital. We are so thankful for each of you, and want to stay in touch, so we'll try our best to keep you in the loop. But please cover us in prayer, because our God can do anything!

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