Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Waiting Begins

Today we are waiting. Now that we know the next step is these three tests (MRI, MIBG, bone scan), we are simply waiting to find out when they will be scheduled. It looks like our family will not be heading down to Florida for Jeff and Lisa's wedding this weekend, although I'll still fly down on my own... I am officiating, afterall.

I had a chance to get in to see Roman and Joelle, and little baby Isaac today. They are all great: Joelle looks fabulous, and Isaac is one handsome, wrinkly, squinty-eyed, wriggling gift from God. Roman seemed to be able to pretend to be relaxed, in spite of all that is on his plate these days. Congratulations, guys. May the Lord bless Isaac and may he grow to be strong with the Lord, bringing laughter to your lives as God proves He can do the impossible any time he feels like it.

A brief scare today as the MRI department contacted us and indicated that Tess could not be scheduled for an MRI for 4-6 weeks because of the pneumonia diagnosis from last week. That would push the entire diagnosis / treatment plan back by months. I don't fully understand the reasons for that, but upon pressing them a little bit, it appears they have conceded to schedule the MRI in the next few days. Hmmm. But still no word on when that will be.

So we wait.

Thank you for continuing to pray. Pray for patience with two rambunctious kids. Pray that we'll not get so wrapped up in our situation that we'll forget to love others along the way. Pray for J and Tess that they'll understand to some extent what is going on, and be able to experience something of God's peace through all this as it swirls around them. And thanks to all of you who have offered to help in so many creative ways. We are so grateful to be in such a loving community.

Tim and Jo.

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